THE FLAGSHIP: EPISODE 06Feb 10 2020The Flagship: EPISODE 06 Sen. Janet Bewley (D) In our sixth episode, we welcome Janet Bewley, Senator for Wisconsin’s 25th District . Higher education is top of mind as we are deep in the 2020…THE FLAGSHIP: EPISODE 06SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT – THE TUITION FREEZEFeb 05 2020Setting the Record Straight – The tuition freeze On Wednesday, State Senators held a hearing on SB 343 – a piece of legislation governing what will happen once tuition is unfrozen for undergraduate students in…SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT – THE TUITION FREEZETHE TUITION FREEZE HEARINGFeb 04 2020Senate Bill 343: Addressing THE undergraduate Tuition Freeze january 22, 2020 In relation to Senate Bill 343, a Senate Hearing was held in the Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, Children and Families in which…THE TUITION FREEZE HEARING