THE FLAGSHIP: EPISODE 09Jul 28 2020The Flagship: Episode 09 Chris McIntosh This week on The Flagship, Deputy Athletic Director, Chris McIntosh, joins us to talk about how COVID-19 is affecting UW-Madison athletics. Listen to hear Chris dive into the decision not to…THE FLAGSHIP: EPISODE 09BADGERS UNITED: A SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN REVIEWJul 23 2020YEAR ONE OF BADGERS UNITED – 2020 Badgers United recently celebrated its 1 year anniversary. Since kicking off our creation with a panel discussion last June, Badgers United has built a long list of accomplishments.…BADGERS UNITED: A SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN REVIEWTHE BADGER IMPACT: JULY 14, 2020Jul 14 2020Friends of Badgers United, It is anything but an understatement to claim that the COVID-19 crisis will have a significant permanent impact on higher education. In these tumultuous times, we have been working hard to…THE BADGER IMPACT: JULY 14, 2020