
Relevant Research

UW-Madison’s Economic Impact Northstar Analytics. February 2021.

UW–Madison, UW-affiliated organizations and UW-related startups contribute $30.8 billion per year to the Wisconsin economy, according to a February 2021 report issued by Northstar Analytics, LLC. This economic activity supports more than 232,000 jobs and generates $1 billion in state and local taxes. Read More.


Wisconsin Idea Database reveals UW-Madison’s positive impact across all 72 counties. Jason Gohlke. April 2024.

From urban Milwaukee to rural Washburn County, the University of Wisconsin–Madison is making a significant impact on Wisconsin students, communities and health care, according to the latest available data from the Wisconsin Idea Database project. Read More.


UW-Madison Unbound. Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy. May 2024.

It is well past time to ask whether UW-Madison’s excellence can be maintained if it remains attached to a system of governance created in a different era, within a different environment, for a different purpose. Read More.


Is UW-Madison in Decline? Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy. April 2024.

UW-Madison’s ranking among America’s best colleges dropped significantly, from a high of 31st in 2003 to a low of 49th in 2019, before bouncing back to 35th in 2024. Read More.


Degree of Difficulty: UWM’s Challenges in a Turbulent Time. Wisconsin Policy Forum. July 2021.

“…UWM’s contributions are perhaps more important than ever. Yet its critical role is jeopardized by the university’s financial straits and its future contributions will depend heavily on decisions made at the state level as well as in response to the pandemic…” Read More.

Falling Behind? The State of Wisconsin’s Public Colleges and Universities. Wisconsin Policy Forum. December 2020.

“…Recent research by the Wisconsin Policy Forum shows the state is adding the most jobs in higher-paying fields requiring a college education. Yet Wisconsin also trails the nation in the share of residents with bachelor’s degrees or higher and has struggled to draw educated individuals here…” Read More.

Moving In? Exploring Wisconsin’s Migration Challenges. Forward Analytics. September 2022.

“…Wisconsin will likely see its labor force shrink over the next decade and the current workforce shortage grow… Wisconsin does not have enough young people to replace the large baby boomer cohort that will retire over the next decade. Without an increase in migration from other states or countries, by 2030 the state’s prime working age population will likely shrink by an estimated 130,000…” Read More.

A Wisconsin Roadmap to Success in Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century. Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges Committee Report. May 2021.

“…It is clear that the way our state’s higher education systems have developed over time does not match an ideal design if they were created today. The committee grasps the opportunity at hand to make reforms now and prevent more serious consequences in the long term…” Read More.

Economic Impact of the University Wisconsin-Madison Athletics Department. Econsult Solutions, Inc. May 2022

“…UW Athletics serves as an economic engine for the City of Madison and the State of Wisconsin, generating substantial economic impact and tax revenues through its operational footprint and by attracting nearly two million visitors to its campus for events each year…” Read More.

The University of Wisconsin–Madison’s $30 Billion Impact on the Wisconsin Economy. NorthStar Analytics, LLC. February 2021.

“…UW–Madison, UW-affiliated organizations and UW-related startups contribute $30.8 billion per year to the Wisconsin economy. This economic activity supports more than 232,000 jobs and generates $1 billion in state and local taxes…” Read More.